800-231-0965 info@mycararmor.com

Complete and basic maintenance programs

My Car Armor gives our members the freedom to always maintain their vehicles properly without the worries of the added; sometimes unexpected expenses. We can provide you with just the basic needs to maintain your vehicle or we have a complete maintenance program that will give you all the unexpected items that will keep your vehicle running and looking the way you feel it should always look.

  1. OIL CHANGES- Oil changes are provided 3 per year up to 5 qtrs. ($40.00 value). 2 oil changes per year for synthetic or blend ($60 value). If purchased for additional cost, diesels will be paid 3 per year ($75 value) or 2 per year synthetic or blend ($115 value) and Big block or Larger V8 models 3 per year

($50 value) or 2 per year synthetic or blend ($75 value).

  1. BRAKE PADS/SHOES- $85.00 for autos and $135.00 for all specially listed units. (Listed below) on 1 axel only for the 1yr and 2yr programs. 3yr and above will be for 2 axels. Any additional costs will be provided by vehicle owner.
  2. 24-HOUR EMERGENCY ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE: Emergency Road Service may be obtained by dialing 1-866-991-3452, Your ID is the Last eight digits of your vehicles VIN number. Emergency Road Service is available when Your Vehicle is disabled as long as this Agreement is in effect. Note: One paid benefit per 72-hours. Covered services not obtained through us are limited to a maximum reimbursement amount of fifty dollars ($50). No deductible applies to the following:


Mechanical First Aid: Any minor adjustment incidental to a dispatched service that enables your vehicle to continue safely under its own power.

Tire Service: Changing of a flat tire with your inflated spare. Battery Service: Attempting to start a Vehicle with a booster battery.

Delivery Service: Delivery of emergency supplies of gasoline, oil or water and other accessories and supplies as may be required and available. Materials being delivered will be paid for by the customer.

Towing Service: When Your Vehicle is disabled, it will be towed up to twenty-five (25) miles to a destination of your choice. Additional mileage is available and will be negotiated prior to sending out a service vehicle. Additional mileage is to be paid by You at the time of service.

Lockout Service: If keys are locked inside Your Vehicle, a locksmith will be dispatched to assist You in gaining entry to Your locked Vehicle’s passenger compartment.

  1. BATTERY- 1st year replacement if needed (term of the program if new vehicle) or $90 credit towards a battery of your choice (installation charge may apply).
  2. ENGINE DIAGNOSTIC & ALIGNMENT CHECK- Yearly check provided @ $20.00 for the alignment check and $37.00 for the engine diagnostic. Additional cost at owner’s expense.
  3. A COOLING SYSTEM MAINTENANCE & LUBE- Drain system and refill, pressure check system, inspect hoses, clamps & lube chassis $32.00.
  4. DISCOUNT ON NEXT VEHICLEDiscount of up to $250. Provided at participating dealers toward the purchase of your next vehicle.
  5. DISCOUNT ON PARTS & LABOR- At participating dealers. Amount is set by Dealer and does not apply to any Services.
  6. TRANSFERRABLE- Contract can be transferred to a new vehicle owner for the cost of $50.00 by calling My Car Armor @ 1-866-991-3452.
  7. CANCELLATION-This contract may be cancelled Prior to first use within the first 14 days (see dealer for details). A $75.00 fee will be applied and after a 30-day period this contract is not cancellable.
  8. PRIVACY POLlCY- My Car Armor holds all information provide in the upmost confidence provided. By providing an email address you consent to receive e-mail communication concerning your account and any additional discount services provide by My Car Armor. My Car Armor will not share any information received from vehicle owner with anyone except to those companies directly related to the My Car Armor products and services being provided.
  9. TERMS AND CONDITIONS- My Car Armor will be held harmless for any defective product, faulty replacement, or vehicle damage that may arise from work performed by a Service Provider. Refunds will not be provided for unused services.
  10. SECURITY- My Car Armor maintains physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards to protect personal information.
  11. Rock Chip Repair, Door Ding Repair and Key Replacement (only included in the 3yr and above programs) to be performed @ Participating Dealers. (see additional Form Attached)
  • Some additional fee’s may apply such as oil waste disposal and Tire disposal fee in same states.

,.,.Please note that this is a discount program and where your discounted rate may pay for services in full there may be additional charges that apply in some cases. In case of any Questions or concerns please call 1–866-991-3452.

*-”’Specialty units include All AWO’s, SUV’s, Trucks and Diesels, additionally all models manufactured by Audi, Acura, BMW, Cadillac, Infiniti, Jaguar, Lexus. Lincoln, Mercedes, Saab and Volvo. Commercial and fleet vehicles do not qualify for this program.


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P.O. Box 901532

Sandy, Utah 84090
