800-231-0965 info@mycararmor.com

Resale of expired Warranties

Resale of expired Warranties

Under Your direction we can provide you with Earned income for your Dealership without having to do the selling yourself. 3rd party companies are taking this business away from you ever day.

Take it back from them and keep the additional income for your dealership and also continue to keep that relationship with your customers.

At no cost to your dealership and under dealerships direction, we will call all of your old customers that did not buy a warranty and present them with a package to sell them a new warranty on any of their vehicles without one.

(Some Requirements do apply with this program to qualify)


We are a proud member of the NIADA National Independent Automotive Dealers Association

Satisfaction Guaranteed

Call us today


P.O. Box 901532

Sandy, Utah 84090
