My Car Armor is held harmless for any defective product, faulty replacement, or vehicle damage arising from work provided by the Service Provider. No refunds are given in the event services/products are not used. It is understood there are no fees, interest or other costs associated with or attached to the financing of a My Car Armor membership. It is further understood that Members can utilize My Car Armor membership for the products and services associated with a My Car Armor membership, provided payments (My Car Armor financed Card) are kept current. It is understood that if any payment becomes late, My Car Armor reserves the right to suspend usage of the My Car Armor membership and at 30 days late membership may be cancelled. My Car Armor may also issue a lien on the vehicle and commence legal action that may include all court, attorney, other legal costs and/or repossession of tires.
Any My Car Armor membership less than 30 days since date of issue and has not had a claim filed may receive a full refund. No re-stocking costs or other fees. My Car Armor at 866-991-3452.

We are a proud member of the NIADA National Independent Automotive Dealers Association
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